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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi, asperiores doloribus eum laboriosam praesentium delectus unde magni aut perspiciatis cumque deserunt dolore voluptate, autem pariatur.
Guidelines for notification of affordable housing project as specified business under section 35AD
Guidelines for notification of a semiconductor wafer fabrication manufacturing unit as specified business under section 35AD
Application for exercising or renewing the option for tonnage tax scheme
Computation of deemed tonnage
Incidental activities for purposes of relevant shipping income
Computation of average of net tonnage for charter-in of tonnage
Form of report of an accountant under clause (ii) of section 115VW
Meaning of expressions used in determination of fair market value
Determination of fair market value
Determination of Fair Market Value for share other than quoted share
Determination of fair market value for inventory
Prescribed class of persons for the purpose of clause (XI) of the proviso to clause (x) of sub-section (2) of section 56