Rule-11OA (Income Tax Rules)

Guidelines for notification of affordable housing project as specified business under section 35AD

Rule-11-OB (Income Tax Rules)

Guidelines for notification of a semiconductor wafer fabrication manufacturing unit as specified business under section 35AD

Rule-11P (Income Tax Rules)

Application for exercising or renewing the option for tonnage tax scheme

Rule-11Q (Income Tax Rules)

Computation of deemed tonnage

Rule-11R (Income Tax Rules)

Incidental activities for purposes of relevant shipping income

Rule-11S (Income Tax Rules)

Computation of average of net tonnage for charter-in of tonnage

Rule-11T (Income Tax Rules)

Form of report of an accountant under clause (ii) of section 115VW

Rule-11U (Income Tax Rules)

Meaning of expressions used in determination of fair market value

Rule-11UA (Income Tax Rules)

Determination of fair market value

Rule-11UAA (Income Tax Rules)

Determination of Fair Market Value for share other than quoted share

Rule-11UAB (Income Tax Rules)

Determination of fair market value for inventory

Rule-11UAC (Income Tax Rules)

Prescribed class of persons for the purpose of clause (XI) of the proviso to clause (x) of sub-section (2) of section 56
