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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi, asperiores doloribus eum laboriosam praesentium delectus unde magni aut perspiciatis cumque deserunt dolore voluptate, autem pariatur.
Tax on income from units of an open-ended equity oriented fund of the Unit Trust of India or of Mutual Funds
Anonymous donations to be taxed in certain cases
Tax on certain dividends received from foreign companies
Tax on certain dividends received from domestic companies
Tax on income referred to in section 68 or section 69 or section 69A or section 69B or section 69C or section 69D
Tax on income from patent
Tax on income from transfer of carbon credits
Tax on income from virtual digital assets
Specified income of certain institutions
Special provision for computation of total income of non-residents
Tax on investment income and long-term capital gains